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“为现代而生 与时尚同在贝伦西门窗、贝伦斯亚门窗都隶属于佛山市布轩迪门窗有限公司,公司成立于2010年,专业提供高端铝合金门窗私家定制的生产和服务,产品涵盖高档铝合金重型推拉门、铝合金平开门、欧式别墅阳光房、折叠门、断桥隔热静音平开窗、幕墙窗等。 多年来,公司一贯坚持“品质创就未来”的宗旨,引进德国先进生产设备,遵循欧式严格细致的工匠精神,采用优质原材料和德国先进技术工艺,致力打造高端门窗标杆。为终端客户的家增添生活色彩,提高生活品质。打造一个精致有温度的品牌,让冰冷的铝合金温暖家家户户。
BELUZIA and BELUZY Windows and Doors both belong to Bushandy Company Limited. Established in 2010, located in Foshan. Our product range include but not limitd to: high quality Heavy Duty Aluminum Sliding Doors, Aluminum Push Open Windows, European Style Solarium, Slide Folding Doors, Broken Bridge Windows with good heat insulation and noise reduction and Glass Wall Façade. Over the years we insisted in offering good quality products to end users at competitive price. This is done by bringing in high tech machineries, superb craftmanship technicians, up to and exceeding standards quality materials to gain a land mark in the Windows and Doors industry. To bring colors, warmth and values to all of our clients! “